Together with the consultancy RSP Restrukturierungspartner and the Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba), DiLigens organised the 4th Erfurt Restructuring Lunch on 20 July 2021. Dr. Robert Tobias from RSP, Kai Michels from Helaba and DiLigens partner Marcello Di Stefano were able to welcome 41 participants to this attendance event held at the Dompalais Erfurt under a secure hygiene concept. After a keynote speech by Thomas Harbrecht (Euler Hermes), the organisers talked with him and Andreas Warner (Deloitte), Friedemann Schade (BRL) and Dr. Karl Beck (Commerzbank) about the current conditions for restructuring companies. At the concluding lunch, the participants were able to discuss the topics in greater depth together.

DiLigens would like to thank all participants, the discussants, the co-organisers and the team from the Dompalais for making this high-calibre event possible. There will be another Erfurt Restructuring Lunch in 2022.